Certified Google Premier Partner

Specialist UX Agency creating better experiences with humans in mind.

When visiting your website, your customers expect the best user experience. If not, they’ll click off your website and may never return. Through comprehensive UX audits, we can pinpoint the challenges and roadblocks your users come across and optimise these areas to help keep them on-site for longer and guide them towards conversion points.

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Reduce long term costs

Implementing a user-friendly design from that start can save you the time and money of redevelopments. Through comprehensive research and prototyping, we can pinpoint roadblocks before building your website to help you reduce your long-term costs.

Increase conversions and engagement

By building websites that your customers love using, we guide your users to conversion points with clear messaging, reduce frustration with smooth and intuitive user interfaces, and inspire real customer engagement.

Exceed your users' expectations

We help you exceed user expectations, and create an experience that keeps your visitors on your page, guides them to conversion points, and promotes customer loyalty and advocacy.

Understand your users' needs

We don’t just listen to what your customers say, we watch what they do and make recommendations based on their behaviour, so you can get a true sense of your customer’s needs, wants, and motivations.

What Our UX Packages Include

When you appoint us to conduct UX audits and research, our team of experienced UX Specialists work with you to ensure your website and digital marketing are fully tailored around your goals and expectations.

  • Competitive Benchmarking
  • Accessibility Audits
  • Heatmap, Scrollmap, and Clickmap Audits
  • Business Messaging Audits
  • UX Research
  • Routine Monitoring & Reporting
  • User Testing & Surveying
  • User Journey Mapping
  • Card Sorting
  • A/B Testing
  • UX/UI Prototyping
  • Website Wireframing
  • One-To-One Support
  • User Behaviour Research
  • User Profiling
  • Latest Software Guarantee

Testing with just 5 users can uncover 85% of usability problems. Conducting a comprehensive audit can help you improve your website and the experience your users have, and it can increase conversions and ROI.

Emily Digweed, Damteq's in-house UX specialist.

User Experience and Web Usability

What is User Experience (UX)?

User Experience (UX) is the overall experience that your users have when interacting with your website. This experience is influenced by various aspects of the users’ interaction, like design, usability, accessibility, and overall satisfaction.

A good user experience should exceed your users’ expectations, and your users should be able to easily navigate and understand information and accomplish their goals without frustration.

A bad user experience is when your website is difficult to use, confusing, or frustrating. All this can lead to increased site abandonment and, subsequently, fewer conversions and less revenue.

UX Agency in Hampshire

How is UX used throughout a website build?

As part of our Web Design and Development projects, we include a complete UX Research & Implementation strategy to ensure your website offer a great experience from launch.

Before we even start talking about your website’s design, we get a better understanding of your business and your customers. We’ll find common pain points across your customers’ journey and solutions to these problems.

When it comes to the actual build, we use this information and our tried and tested approach, which considers human psychology, usability heuristics, and UX best practices, to create a website that engages your customers and increases the time spent on site, customer engagement, and conversions.

Emily Digweed, Damteq's UX Specialist working on a website.
A digital marketer and a user experience specialist working together on laptops.

UX Heuristic Analysis Experts

How is UX used for existing websites?

If you’re looking to optimise the User Experience of your existing website, we’ll review your site and conduct a heuristic evaluation to assess if your website adheres to UX best practices.

Whether you want to look at a specific area of your website, or a full evaluation, we’ll provide a detailed report to help you understand your current friction points and recommended changes that’ll fix these areas and improve your UX,

These recommendations can be sent to your internal team for them to implement, or with access to your website, we can implement the changes and optimisations for you.

Specialist UX Company in Hampshire

What's the difference between UX and UI?

Your User Interface (UI) encompasses visual and interactive elements your users encounter, like buttons, menus, icons, and typography.

User Experience (UX) is the overall experience that your users have when interacting with your website and includes ease of use, page load speed, and the usefulness of information.

If your website is beautifully designed but hampered by slow load speeds and irrelevant content, your users will go elsewhere. The same goes if your website is packed with value but has a UI that is too complicated to understand and use.

Striking the right balance of great UX and UI is vital for keeping your users engaged and driving them towards conversion points.

A User Experience Specialist working at her desk in a busy office.
Two web designers in a meeting at Damteq's HQ in Fareham.

Website UX Experts

Our Approach to User Experience

Our UX Specialists take a strategic approach that utilises their vast experience and knowledge of UX best practices and human psychology to create human-centred, well-performing customer experiences.

Using this approach, we conduct in-depth analyses that benchmark your site and produce reports and recommendations to help you make informed decisions that are backed by data when optimising your User Experience – removing all the guesswork.

Web Usability Best Practices

Jakob Nielsen's Usability Heuristics

Jakob Nielsen is a well-renowned web usability consultant who has performed various studies over the years into the complexities of UX & UI. The result of these studies is the ten Usability Heuristics that Nielson states are essential for proper interactive design.

We use these heuristics in our UX audits to check that a website conforms to best practices or if tweaks need to be made to improve your website’s ease of use and structure.

A diagram that lists Jakob Nielsen's 10 Usability Heuristics and how Damteq uses these in their UX audits.
The word 'Gestalt' turned into a diagram that displays that Gestalt Princples and how they're used in User Experience. These principles include Closure, Common Fate, Continuity, Similarity, Figure Ground, Proximity, and Symmetry.

Human Psychology and its Influence on UX

Gestalt Principles in UX

The way we analyse your UX is deeply rooted in human behaviour and psychology. A big part of which is the ‘Gestalt Principles’.

The product of dozens of psychology and behavioural studies, these principles explain how people perceive different elements, designs and information formats.

We use these principles in our UX audits to ensure your website is easy to understand and navigate and is free of any overly complex elements and shapes that can cause a disconnect with users.

Learn More About Gestalt Principles

Experts in Business Growth

Ongoing Business Growth Advice & Support

We know that business growth is about more than just revenue figures on a spreadsheet.

It’s about the stressful late nights spent working towards a vision, the seemingly infinite setbacks you have to overcome, and the countless times you pick yourself up and keep going, even when the odds seem stacked against you.

When you work with us, you get more than just leads and sales. You get ongoing business growth support with access to our team’s business growth knowledge and experience gained over the last 17 years.

If you’re ever second-guessing your business growth plan, struggling to overcome unexpected challenges, or need to bend the ear of someone who knows their stuff, we’re only ever a phone call or email away.

Damteq's Commercial Manager, Adam Tiley, working on his laptop.


  • How much should a UX project cost?

    This depends on the project. All projects we do are created and quoted for based on the goals of the campaign and project. Prices usually start from £1000 + VAT.

  • I already have a website, how will my UX project work?

    If you already have a website you’re happy with, we can conduct a full UX audit to ensure your website adheres to industry best practices and human behavioural studies. Where friction points are found, we’ll make recommendations to help you improve your user experience.

  • Can I leave UX out of my website project?

    Not considering your UX when building your website isn’t something we recommend. Websites that don’t prioritise customer experience often see high abandonment rates and lower user engagement and conversions. That’s why we include UX Research & Design strategy as part of our Web Design and Development services.

See our space.

Located between Portsmouth and Southampton in the town of Fareham, our Digital Marketing Agency HQ is a beautifully designed 3,000 sqft space which has been purposely created to allow our creative and marketing teams thrive in a super creative environment. We're proud to be able to showcase our amazing space where we regularly meet with our clients, partners and people. Our home, can be your home too.

Arrange to pop in for a coffee

Next Steps

Firstly schedule a call with one of our in-house Specialists.

We’ll invite you for a project discovery workshop, where we will learn all about your project and get to know you.

Once the planning is complete and the benchmarks are set, we’re ready to start your exciting project.

Download our free guide to discover our unique approach and learn what it's like to work with us