Certified Google Premier Partner

Targeted LinkedIn Ads Management Services That Drive Awareness and Increase B2B Sales.

Our LinkedIn Ads management services help create strong interest and opportunities with highly targeted, relevant ad campaigns that position your brand and offerings in front of key decision-makers in your target markets.

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Boost Your Professional Reach With LinkedIn Ads.

Boost Your Professional Reach With LinkedIn Ads.

LinkedIn Ads is the perfect platform for connecting with business professionals, increasing B2B sales, and generating a higher return on ad spend (ROAS).

With an extensive network of B2B users and options for targeting specific industries, job titles, and companies, you can get extremely targeted with your messaging, ensure your ads are seen by the decision-makers who matter most to your business, and increase your leads, opportunities, and ad revenue.

Target Business Professionals.

With targeting options that include industry, job titles, and seniority, you can set incredibly focused targeting that helps you reach key decision-makers in your audience.

Generate Qualified Leads and Sales.

Using the biggest platform for B2B professionals, our LinkedIn specialists will create highly relevant ads that generate pre-qualified leads at all stages of your marketing funnel.

Drive Qualified Website Traffic.

We create high-performing LinkedIn Ads that resonate with business professionals and drive targeted website traffic to your landing pages.

Personalised Ads Formats.

Reach your ideal customers with personalised, dynamic ads in the LinkedIn feed, or create targeted InMail messages to spark conversations and engagement.

LinkedIn Ads is super effective for B2B lead generation.

With LinkedIn being a primarily B2B platform, it’s no surprise that it’s the ideal place to reach audiences of business professionals. But what makes LinkedIn Ads so attractive for B2B advertisers are the numbers.

With a Cost-per-Lead (CPL) that is 28% lower than Google Ads and advertisers experiencing a 33% increase in purchase intent when running LinkedIn Ads, it can be a powerful tool for generating qualified leads and sales while efficiently using your budget.

Two web designers in a meeting at Damteq's HQ in Fareham.

Sponsored Content

Sponsored Content ads allow you to promote your content directly in the LinkedIn news feed, enhancing brand awareness, driving targeted website traffic, and building brand awareness with business professionals.

Our LinkedIn Ads specialists will work with you to create detailed articles, engaging videos, and clear messaging that you can use in your ads to reach and engage with a wide range of B2B audiences on LinkedIn.

Chat to us about your Sponsored Content Ads

Sponsored InMail

Take a more direct and personal approach with Sponsored InMail ads delivered directly to your audience’s inboxes. Sponsored InMail is ideal if you’re looking to send tailored event invitations, content downloads, or personalised offers on your products or services.

We’ll help you maximise your InMail engagement rate by creating personalised messages that spark interest with your target audience and encourage them to engage, convert, or start a conversation.

Chat to us about your Sponsored InMail Ads

A digital marketer and a user experience specialist working together on laptops.

Text Ads

Simple but effective, LinkedIn’s Text ads allow you to reach your audience with more detailed, information-focused ads that can be placed in the LinkedIn feed, on profile pages, and in other areas to drive website traffic and conversions.

Speak to our LinkedIn Ads specialists today to learn more about Text Ads and how they can drive targeted website traffic and conversions with LinkedIn’s built-in lead generation forms.

Chat to us about your LinkedIn Text Ads

Dynamic Ads

LinkedIn’s Dynamic Ads help you create highly personalised ads that adapt to each person in your audience. Using data from user LinkedIn profiles, Dynamic Ads automatically customise images, names, job titles, and more to create highly relevant and engaging ads.

Our LinkedIn Ads team can set up and optimise your Dynamic Ads to drive maximum engagement and leads from your campaigns.

Chat to us about your LinkedIn Dynamic Ads

Damteq's Commercial Manager, Adam Tiley, working on his laptop.
Two SEO specialists doing keyword research and tracking on a laptop.

Video Ads

Promote your offerings and their features, building brand awareness and trust with engaging video ads designed to capture the attention of busy professionals on LinkedIn.

Our LinkedIn Ads team specialise in creating ads that build and hold your audience’s interest. Continually testing and optimising them to ensure they deliver the right results to help you reach your marketing and business growth goals.

Chat to us about your LinkedIn Video Ads

Carousel Ads

LinkedIn’s Carousel ads allow you to showcase multiple products, services, or content pieces in a single ad placement.

With an interactive format that allows your target audience to swipe through images or videos on your carousel, we create more engaging ad experiences that deliver better results and returns on your investment.

Chat to us about your LinkedIn Carousel Ads

Two PPC Specialists working collaboratively on their laptops in an office boardoom.


  • Is LinkedIn Ads expensive?

    LinkedIn Ads can be more costly than other social media platforms due to the professional audiences and advanced targeting capabilities. However, the expense can vary based on your target audience, bidding strategy, and campaign objectives.

    While the cost per click (CPC) or cost per impression (CPM) might be higher than Meta Ads, the quality and relevance of the leads often justifies the investment, especially for B2B marketing.

  • Can I target specific job titles?

    Yes, LinkedIn Ads offers advanced targeting options that allow you to target specific job titles. This helps you reach decision-makers and other professionals who are likely to be interested in your offerings.

    You can also target by company, industry, job function, seniority level, and more to ensure your ads reach the most relevant people.

  • Is LinkedIn Ads only good for B2B marketing?

    Although LinkedIn is a primarily B2B platform, it can still be effective for B2C advertising campaigns, especially for businesses that target high-value consumers and more affluent audiences.

    B2C audiences are everywhere, even on LinkedIn. So, including LinkedIn Ads as part of your wider paid social strategy on other platforms can be a great way to boost your visibility, brand awareness, and lead generation results.

  • Can you advertise jobs through LinkedIn Ads?

    The LinkedIn platform is also used heavily for recruitment, so it’s ideal for advertising job vacancies.

    We’re not the kind of agency that only focuses on leads and sales. We want to help you grow your business across the board. If you want to launch LinkedIn Ads with completed job applications as the main conversion goal, we can absolutely help with that!

Want to promote your brand and products to B2C audiences?

If you want to target primarily consumer-based audiences, we can help you position relevant ads in front of a wide range of audiences on Facebook and Instagram through our Meta Ads management service.

Explore Meta Ads management

We're proud to be a Google Premier Partner.

Only the top 3% of agencies worldwide are a Google Premier Partner, and there are less than 180 agencies in the UK. Being a Premier Partner means we adhere to Google's rigorous standards for PPC management, using only the best-in-class techniques to ensure your campaigns succeed. It's a testament to our commitment to excellence and our dedication to helping your business thrive.

Learn more about Google Partners
Two PPC Specialists working collaboratively on their laptops in an office boardoom.

See our space.

Located between Portsmouth and Southampton in the town of Fareham, our Digital Marketing Agency HQ is a beautifully designed 3,000 sqft space which has been purposely created to allow our creative and marketing teams thrive in a super creative environment. We're proud to be able to showcase our amazing space where we regularly meet with our clients, partners and people. Our home, can be your home too.

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Next Steps

First, schedule a call with one of our in-house Specialists to discuss your project, current challenges, and the goals you want to achieve.

We’ll invite you for a project discovery workshop, where we will get to know you, learn about your project, and provide a tailored quote.

Finally, we’ll send you a detailed proposal for your project, outlining our approach and strategy and setting project benchmarks.

Once that’s complete, we’re ready to start your exciting project!