Marketing Content Marketing

How To Write Content To Suit Your Audience

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To be able to write content to suit your audience you have to know exactly who your audience is, to begin with. Once you have established a good understanding of who you are writing for, you will be able to create engaging and relevant content for them.

Discovering your audience

There are a couple of questions you can ask yourself that will help you in this process, simple questions such as:
“what does my company do?”
“What problems does it solve?”
“What products or services does it provide?”
These questions alone will give you a small insight into the audience waiting for you out there.

While it sounds straightforward, asking yourself this and finding definitive answers can be tricky at first. Identifying this is something we do daily, so if you would like a hand getting started, let us know!

You should ensure that your content is connected and relevant to these questions at all times, as your audience is going to be looking for this particular content. This will help keep you on track and not produce irrelevant content.

You should look into who your current customers are, this will allow you to segment them into groups to discover their demographics and buying patterns, such as location and budget.

For example, if you know 92% of all your clients are male, in a specific city, with an income in XXXX bracket you can tailor your topic and tone of voice to resonate with them. This can even be so specific, you can reference landmarks, bars, parks or shops in that city.

Discovering competitors

A quick search of your competitors will also work wonders for you, by doing this you can establish how you differentiate from the others as well as get an understanding of why your audience should choose you over your competitors.

We regularly perform competitive intelligence for ourselves, as well as all our clients, to understand our position in the market and how to stand out using our website, blogs and social platforms.

You can use your stand out features within your content to rise above your competitors and gain interest from your audience.

This can be as simple as identifying your competitors referring to themselves in the third person (e.g. ‘Damteq is a successful…”), which gives you the opportunity to humanise your content by using the first person in your content (e.g. ‘We are a successful…”). Incredibly straightforward, yet impactful.

Understanding what they want

It is very important to provide your audience with content that is truly useful to them, you want them to be able to rely on you to provide them with handy and relevant information that they can use to solve any problems they have or simply just to inform them with key information.

It is essential to pinpoint exactly what your audience wants to read about, therefore being able to identify and spot any trends that are happening and are relevant to them will inform the content you create.

This includes being able to understand typical problems and issues they face regularly, you can then produce content that solves their problems for them – this is what they need to know, as well as want to know.