How to Effectively Work From Home

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We’ve all been shocked into this new reality of working from home. This can create new challenges that can either make or break a team. By having set structures, strategies and mindsets, you can enhance your team’s communication. Giving remote workers the ability to tackle any challenges while working from home.

In this blog, we’re sharing our top must-haves for working at home. Which will hopefully bring you some clarity and focus in this uncertain time. 

Track work and have clear to do tasks

Working from work may leave you twiddling your thumbs with things to do. However, with a set structure in place, you can easily communicate and track the progress of your projects.

At Damteq, we do this with software such as Asana and Everhour. Helping to set clear briefs for tasks and understand how these tasks contribute to overall projects.

In Asana, individuals have their work schedule and tasks can be assigned to you. With this software, clear expectations can be set of what work needs to be done. Also, you can view each other’s to-do lists to see how their workday is. Asana also keeps track of projects, stores links and relevant information, and is a brilliant overall project management asset.

Using Everhour complements Asana as it means we can time track how long it takes to do each task. This means we gain data into how we’ve been on track with projects and clients.

It also gives a great insight into your progress on tasks, helping to break down and easily manage large projects.

We use numerous softwares to give structure to our days. To visually see which tasks need prioritising and how many hours we’re going to spend on tasks. Without this structure, it can be easy to get distracted especially when working from home.

When working from home, it’s very important to state what is expected from employees. Using these software’s can help you with assigning tasks, especially urgent Adhoc ones!

Time tracking shouldn’t be used to micromanage workers. We use it to track our projects and track the correct number of hours are given to projects every month.

It should act to remove the element of potential distrust within teams. As employees can demonstrate how they’re working productively, and managers can easily monitor the progress of projects. Trust and clarity are the way towards solid results.

Communication, communication, communication!

It’s now even more important than ever to ensure you communicate with your team. We’re not talking email here as often text can be lost in translation. Video or voice communication should be used to replicate any conversation you would’ve ordinarily had in the office. Here you can easily understand the tone of voice and body language, creating effective communication. 

Some challenges of remote working can be feelings of disconnection or loneliness. As you’re now missing out on all of the in-person interactions you would’ve had in the office. Make the effort to reach out!

We use Slack and Microsoft Teams to aid our communications.

Every morning and evening we have team check-in to run down plans for the day and a casual chat. We often cover what’s working or not working, our prioritises then ends on some fun. Helping to build positivity and the sense of our Damteq family.

Slack is great for real-time text-based conversations. We have dedicated ‘channels’ which are content-specific. Such as a marketing chat and our general chat where it also stores files that have been shared. We also use Slack to voice call one another as a lot of time can be spent typing messages.

Being able to quickly chat up and speak to someone has lots of benefits and replicate office-based interactions. So, don’t be scared, set out an agreement with your team that you want this communication to happen. Almost as the remote working hasn’t taken away the good communication skills that were built within the office.  

Data Security

To ensure our data security, all employees took home their work computer.

If your employee is working on a home computer, you should review your security practices. Make sure that no data could be put at risk. It can be difficult for organisations to know when data has been breached. It will be even harder to identify how it happened. 

We use an online software called Capsule to store all client information. Protected by an online login, no information is stored on computers and can be safely accessed through other means.

We also use Google Drive and Dropbox to store assets. These can be easily accessed and protected. We can also live edit and easily securely share documents within the team and with clients.

Also, while at work, companies are often protected by secure networks. Employees should be aware of the risks of working remotely using public WIFI. Communicating your data security policy with employees. Be specific about remote working practices that can ensure that your data is encrypted and protected.

Take Time to Create Your Dedicated WorkSpace!

To aid your productivity set up your dedicated home office. This should be an area that is solely used for working purposes. Helping you to split between working and personal time leisure zones. It’s important to maintain a good work-life balance while at home.

Take time to make your workspace comfortable and inviting, supporting your work. Try to keep away from distractions such as televisions or household tasks.

Use your workspace as if you are going into the office. Help to mentally prepare yourself for working by preparing for your day as you would usually do. Just the commute to work is now a little shorter!  

Having this dedicated space means it can help you to step away from work once you leave your workspace.

Try and ensure your workplace supports your posture and other healthy working conditions. Have a good chair and computer set up which doesn’t put a strain on your neck. 

Make sure you take regular breaks to spend time with family members or get some fresh air.

We hope this article has provided some insight into effective working from home. Working together effectively will help us all get through this time.

Want more working from home tips?

If you’re looking for more guidance, we’re doing free video call strategy workshops. We can help accelerate your business providing you with actionable and practical advice whilst sharing our industry-leading knowledge. You can also keep up to date with our latest marketing insights on our LinkedIn.

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