What is UX and why does it matter so much?

Business Website Design Reading Time: 3 minutes

Firstly lets rewind back 12 years when Damteq was born. Back then, as long as you had a website it didn’t really matter what it looked like or how it functioned. I remember the day when the phone used to ring and the person would say ‘Hey Adam, I found you by searching for Graphic Designers, build me a website and make it work on Google.’

How times have changed.

Nowadays what really matters most is the way it functions and the experience it gives to your website visitors. The more logical and better it all works, the more leads you will get

If you have a marketing or design session at Damteq, our Specialists will talk about UX, and why it matters so much. In this article Ill be outlining what UX is, how it will benefit your business and why it is so important.

Lets start with the basics – what the hell is UX?

UX isn’t a jargon term agencies use to try and perplex you into thinking it’s some crazy dark art stuff that you’re not clever enough to do. UX simply stands for User Experience (or User Experience Design) and It’s a process agencies go through to enhance the usability, accessibility and user satisfaction for your visitors when using your website and products.

For example some simple questions we ask ourselves when designing a website include:

‘Is that button in the right place’?
‘Is the journey through the website simple and logical?’
‘Can a potential customer easily contact you from every part of your website?’
‘Is the content engaging and following the correct messages?’

Not rocket science, eh!

Thinking critically about User Experience when building your website is vital. If it’s done correctly, it will make your business more successful.

Surely that’s just common sense?…. you’d think.

We’re now 18 years into the 21st century so you’d think that most web design companies would have the common sense to do UX implementation and testing, but crazily in some cases they don’t. We often take over websites from agencies that literally throw websites out the door on a conveyor belt. No love or attention is given whatsoever. The end result is a website that looks dated, functions poorly and has no real user journey. The only outcome to this is your bottom line, as it will not help you get more leads or grow your business.

As a specialist agency we take the time with every website to critically think about all UX considerations and collaborate to ensure every option is explored. Every business is different after-all and it is important that time is spent to deliver a website that will aid your target audiences decisions.

What is the difference between Web Design and UX Design?

When you choose Damteq we use our expertise in all areas of design and development. The web design is really the end product which we hand over, but the UX design are the considerations and one of the processes we go through to get to that final product.

In the simplest of examples think of it like this…
A website designer builds a website that is pixel focused, where a UX designer creates a website that is user focused.

By bringing both elements together the end result is the complete package. You get the best of both worlds. A website that looks and functions beautifully. A mix of creative thinking and emotional design.

Why does this matter?

When you’re creating and launching a new website you are showcasing your business for all to see. Ultimately you’ve just made a huge investment into something that is your shop window, that will be used 24/7 to make your business more successful. Think for a second about your business objectives for the next two years…

I can almost guarantee that your goal in the next two years is to get more leads, convert more prospects and make more money. (Can you believe it… I’m a mind reader)

I’m going to tell you something crazy, that may come as a shock. If your website is thrown together with no considerations to UX, you won’t grow your business. You will not reach your goal.

User Experience Design helps your conversion rates. If you have a clearer direction through your website, creative call-to-actions and more dynamic content you will convert more visitors into leads.

At Damteq we know we aren’t the cheapest digital agency around, but guess what, we never claim to be. What we do is make sure that your investment is used creatively, to ensure you get the very best value for money and experience working with true website specialists. We will make your business more successful.

Step 1 of working together starts with a no-obligation UX audit where a few of our specialists will spend an hour looking through your current website to see what improvements can be made. If you’d like a free audit, send us a live chat and we will happily have a chat to go through the process.

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