Over 300% Increase in Enquiries for Loft Boarding Company, Instaloft

Based in the Midlands, Instaloft is the leading installer of the award-winning Loftzone Storefloor Raised Loft Boarding; the only BBA approved system that will protect your insulation. Instaloft has grown to cover not only loft boarding but the installation of loft hatches, ladders, and linings.
We’ve worked with Instaloft for the past few years, managing all aspects of digital marketing for the company so when Instaloft decided that it was time to upscale their website it made perfect sense for us to be the agency helping them reach a larger audience and present themselves as the leading provider in the Midlands.
The Strategy.
The website needed to have a solid user journey, giving people at all stages of the buying journey access to the relevant information to enquire. Through Growth Driven Design, the new site was designed to be an engine for the updated inbound marketing strategy with a range of conversion points throughout the website to increase visitor engagement and drive conversions.
Web Design & Development
Search Engine Optimisation
Microsite Design
Social Media Management
Link Building
Content Marketing
The Result.
The new Instaloft website presents the company branding and services in a much more modern and streamlined way. The users are given multiple options on the home page and throughout the website to engage them whether they are at the beginning of their research into Instaloft or at the point of requesting a quote or survey. The launch of the website saw a massive increase in traffic and engagement and saw Google rankings climb to the front page.
Since launching the new website, the company has seen an increase in leads of over 300% and a 442% increase in revenue driven by a wider reach and higher level of website visitors.
Increase in Enquiries Year on Year
Increase in Targeted Organic Traffic
Increase in Qualified page Views
As a result of working together, we have been able to more than double our business through the ongoing development of the website and marketing. Cant fault them in any way and well worth the investment!